Monday, 6 August 2012

Weight Loss Supplement Overview: Green Tea... and Green Tea Extract

Hey everyone, this post is going to be about the extract of a renowned health drink: green tea. Green tea extract is simply most of the ingredients that produce the properties of green tea in a pill. Green tea extract, along with green tea has many benefits but the primary benefits are seen in it's assistance in weight loss. Green tea extract and green tea in general are known very well for boosting one's metabolism which of course, improves the productivity rate at which your body handles your food, which then makes it a factor for weight loss. Many studies support this showing that individuals that take green tea extract have been found to lose much more weight than individuals who don't although its debated whether or not green tea extract alone will cause weight loss.

          Aside from weight loss, green tea has been shown to have other benefits as well. Here are a few well known benefits of green tea

  • Green tea contains theanine, an amino acid which many people theorize has the ability to place one in a relaxing state of mind.
  • Due to the antioxidants in green tea, some individuals apply it topically to treat their skin
  • Green tea has the ability to lower levels of bad cholesterol 
  • Green tea may boost immune system health and is well known to aid in fighting off diseases

         Although green tea and green tea extract are great, you must watch out for some side effects. Green tea contains caffeine which is not for everybody and if taken at the wrong time of day, it obviously has the potential to affect your sleep. Also, it has been reported that green tea extract has the potential to cause liver damage and cancer of the esophagus, although these are rare reports. Due to this, it may be a good idea to take green tea extract in moderation for some individuals. That's everything for this post, hopefully this was helpful!

A cup of green tea


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