Thursday, 31 January 2013

Great Motivational Videos On YouTube

Hey everyone, if you feel like you're lacking motivation to hit the gym today, or you're just having a hard time finding the willpower to stick to your diet plan, or just anything else in life, watch some videos that I used when I needed that extra boost. The links for all of them will be below.

The BEST Motivation

How Bad Do You Want It? (Success) HD

How great I am (Motivational video)

Best Motivational videos ever, Motivation & Pump up guaranteed.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Workout Safety

Workout Safety

Everyone is looking to get fit and stay in shape to fully enjoy their everyday lives, but no one puts the effort into pre-workout requirements that can avoid unnecessary injuries and can cause you to come short of your true fitness potential. By following a few of these precautions and small preparations, you will decrease chances of injury and will help you reach the full potential of every workout.

Before you start any workout or workout program remember:

  • Visit your doctor to ensure that you are physically capable of performing your workout program, and talk to them about any medical concerns that may be an obstacle to your workout. A routine physical is highly recommended. 
  • Know your limits, and stay within them. By not over stressing your body or pushing your body past it's limit, you'll avoid plenty of injuries.
  • Make sure you know how to do each exercise in the workout properly. Ensuring that you do every exercise exactly as they were intended, while keeping the capabilities and limits of your body in mind, you will reduce risk of injuries while optimizing the results of your workout.
  • Always have a proper meal and drink enough water to keep you energized and capable of completing your workout. Keeping hydrated and eating a good amount of nutritious and energy boosting foods, will make you able to keep up with your workout and increase results.
  • Stretch and warm up! Stretching and warming up before you start any workout will greatly decrease your chances of getting injured. Stretching will prepare your muscles and keep you flexible for whatever workout is ahead of you. 
  • Get enough rest everyday. Sleep is more important than you think, by getting a minimum of 7 and a half hours of sleep in every night, you will allow your body to recover from the strain you have put on it from previous workout days, and will ensure you are well rested and keep your energy levels high. Lack of sleep is not only detrimental to your workout results and safety, but also to your overall health.

        By following these tips, you will be able to greatly reduce your chances of injury and you will improve the quality of your workouts. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Simple Chocolate-Peanut Butter Protein Shake Recipe

Simple Chocolate-Peanut Butter Protein Shake Recipe

Hey everyone, today Im just going to write about how to make a simple high protein recipe for a chocolate-peanut butter protein shake.


  • 10 ounces of skim milk
  • 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder
  • A few ice cubes
  • One raw egg
  • 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp of cottage cheese

Preparation Instructions

All that you have to do is place those ingredients in a blender and you have yourself a great tasting protein shake with a diverse blend of proteins, it's perfect as a treat or when you're bulking!
All you have to do now is enjoy the shake.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

About Protein Powder: BSN's Syntha-6

About Protein Powder: BSN's Syntha-6

Hello everybody, I decided that I should do a supplement review today and I have been using Syntha-6  recently as my new primary protein so that's what this review is going to be about.

Nutrition Content

     This protein powder consists of a mix of several proteins such as whey, casein, and others which make up 22 grams of a 44 gram scoop, which makes it a great protein to take at any time of the day because it has a time release formula that will keep your muscles supplied over an extended period of time and various amino acids. This protein, like many includes an artificial sweeter which is acelfusame potassium (not good) and also contains a significant amount of fat per serving (6 grams, 2 of which are saturated) which disappointed me as well as 12 grams of carbs per serving.


       This protein includes a wide set of proteins, all with different absorption rates to set a time release formula that will consistently feed your muscles over time.

  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Whey protein isolate
  • Calcium caseinate
  • Milk protein isolate
  • Micellar casein
  • Egg albumen (egg white)
      This is a great set of proteins that would be fine to take at any time of the day because the time release properties should keep the protein streaming for about 8 hours. If you dont want to buy several proteins for different times of the day, this is definitely ideal

Taste and Mixing

      This protein tastes and mixes amazing! To be honest, I don't think I have ever tried a protein that taste this good (I used the vanilla and strawberry flavours). This protein is definitely not a hassle to take at all.


     I got this for $70/5 lbs which is quite reasonable for the quality, you can probably find it for as low as $55/5lbs if you go online. In my opinion, this is not too bad of a price for a protein of this quality.

Final Thoughts

      In conclusion, this is a fantastic protein mix and almost any review will tell you so. It literally does everything a protein powder should and it comes at a fairly reasonable price. It mixes and tastes great and the only real flaw I can point out in my opinion is the fact that there's a high amount of fat in this powder in comparison to the protein content. This is a great protein and I would definitely recommend it to anyone as long as their goal is not to lose weight.